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How to Download All TikTok Videos of A User Easily And Efficiently?

how to save tiktok video without watermark iphone

TikTok is one of the best sensational entertaining sites out there. The range of entertaining videos includes dances, educational clips, comedy, inspirational speeches, and everything under the sun! Though it often happens that you don’t have internet or data available to view the videos of your favorite users or influencers, we are going in-depth through how you can download all TikTok videos of a user with the best options available out there.

  1. SmallTik: Features and Tutorial
  2. Things to Keep in Mind When Using a Downloader

SmallTik: Features and Tutorial

This is best for automatic unlimited downloads even if the account you want is private. It allows you to do unlimited downloads from Instagram and TikTok in optimal and high quality. It’s available for desktops, Windows, and macOS.


SmallTik makes viewing and downloading the TikTok videos of a user at once extremely easy. This is best for automatic unlimited downloads even if the account you want is private. It allows you to do unlimited downloads from Instagram and TikTok in optimal and high quality. It’s available for desktops, Windows, and macOS.

Download all TikTok videos of a user steps on the phone

For all phone users, following this tutorial step by step is mandatory to avoid any inconvenience during TikTok user-id video download

  1. Open the SmallTik app on your phone, go to the video you want to download and copy the video URL from the movie description. 
  2. You choose the white curving arrow to the right of the screen while looking to the right.
  3.  Pick “Copy Link” from the drop-down menu when the form displays.
  4. Upon returning to your phone’s home screen, open a new browser and then click on the URL to access the SmallTik website. 
  5. You press and hold the “Copy and paste the link here” box for about 2-3 seconds before selecting “Paste” when the word “Paste” shows on the screen.
  6.  After around 2-3 seconds of processing, look for the download link at the bottom of the screen, which should be visible.
  7.  Using the screen swipe up, you’ll see the option to “Download video” without the logo and “Without Watermark.”
  8.  After that, click “Download” one again. Additionally, you may download movies that include a logo or watermark by choosing “Download” from the Watermark drop-down menu.

The downloaded file will be sent to your mobile device to complete this step. The video will be shown in a manner identical to the one you chose in the previous step. 

Download all TikTok videos of a user video on iPhone

For all phone users, following this tutorial step by step is mandatory to avoid any inconvenience during TikTok user video download.

  1. Copy the video URL.
  2. Open the TikTok application. Select “Share” from the drop-down menu.
  3. Use the “Copy Link” button on your keyboard to copy the video link.
  4. Copy and paste the video URL into the search box by performing a right-click on the input field and selecting “Paste” from the drop-down menu that appears.
  5. Select “Search” from the drop-down menu.
  6. Save the video to your computer.
  7. Click the “Format” and “Download” icons on the toolbar to save your video or audio.
  8. If you like, you may rename the file and then click on the “Done” button to save your movie.
  9. Select the “Downloads” tab from the drop-down menu. Locate the video file that you want to use.
  10. In the “Downloads” section of the menu bar. Click on the button next to the video you want to watch.
  11. Select the three-dot button from the drop-down menu.
  12. Select “Share” from the drop-down menu.
  13. To save the video to your gallery, choose “Save Video” from the drop-down menu.


  1. You can download as many stories and highlights as you want.
  2. This will support unlimited private accounts for you.
  3. There are no pesky ads popping up everywhere.
  4. The download is pretty much automatic from the TikTok accounts of your choice.
  5. The starter plan is free though after that you get two paid versions.

It’s easy to use and hassle-free to install and download is the best feature of SmallTik. Once that is done the whole procedure is effortless. You enter the account and the downloads begin automatically on your PC.

Things to Keep in Mind When Using a SmallTik Downloader

The growing popularity of TikTok is renowned and the entertainment it provides in the Pandemic can’t be rivaled. Teenagers are obsessed with this application. 

But when using downloaders be sure to see if the files you are getting with the possible conversions you need and the files aren’t too big. Big files take a lot of space and can make you reach your limit fast. SmallTik is usually the best known TikToks downloader out there but to efficiently and easily download all TikTok videos of a user at once.